%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USBVID_1949&PID_0006 There, you’ll want to take the following lines and paste them immediately underneath the and headings in the document: Find the file called android_winusb.inf and open it in Notepad. Next, go to wherever you installed the Android SDK itself (probably C:Program FilesAndroidandroid-sdk), and navigate to the extragoogleusb_driver directory. Make sure that string is on its own line in the document, save it, and close it. Open it up in Notepad, add a new line at the bottom of the document, and type 0x1949. First, open up your User Account folder in Windows (C:Users(Your Account Name), find the new “.android” directory, and find a file called adb_usb.ini. Step 6: Now that you have the SDK installed, you’ll have to make two quick modifications to it before you can root the Kindle Fire. Selecting packages to install in the Android SDK Manager. Just click OK until it’s all done with the install process. Wait for SDK Manager to download install and all the packages, and don’t panic if it asks you for permission to kill a server or process. You’ll need this file to let your PC communicate with the Kindle Fire. Go ahead and install all the prechecked packages, but make sure that the Google USB Driver package (listed under Extras) is checked. Once the Android SDK is finished installing, the SDK Manager app will automatically open with a list of software packages you can download. Simply open installer_r15-windows.exe and follow the instructions. All you need to do is to open the installer file you downloaded (mine was called jdk-7u1-windows-i586.exe) and click through the installer wizard. Make sure you do this before you install the Android SDK. Step 4: Install the Java Development Kit.